For more than 50 years, ELCOWA’s electrostatics department has been designing, developing and manufacturing ionizing equipment for: Neutralizing static electricity: antistatic bars, ionizing and blowing nozzles, ionizing and blowing guns etc. Dusting 2D products (paper, cardboard, glass, wood etc.) Dusting 3D products (containers such as pots, bottles, tubes etc.) Bistra Inovatif supply spare part machine industry printing packaging
Our anti-static ionizing bars are custom made to fit your equipment. They emit positive and negative ions that neutralize the electrostatic fields disturbing your production processes (dust, fire, explosions, electroshock, etc.)
Examples of applications:
The SC 04 B and SC 11 generators (certified Curtis-Straus NRTL/SCC Mark) are equipment for transforming the voltage of the electrical network into high voltage, necessary for the operation of equipment for the elimination of electrostatic charges by air ionisation..
It is possible to connect 1 to 4 antistatic devices (bars, ionizing heads, dust collectors etc.).Different types of connections are available according to your needs.
Elcowa has developed a complete range to meet your expectations
The TISP-N ionizing gun combines 2 inseparable actions:
TISP-N is used on small parts or surfaces in many types of industries ((plastics, printing, screen printing, wood etc.) and solves a multitude of problems such as gluing, dusting and cleaning
Ionizing blowers are used when the neutralization of electrostatic charges must be done remotely because there is little space available at the workstation or on the production line.
They are also used to prevent operators from being subjected to electric shocks (enroulement de bobine etc.) (coil winding etc.) but also to to protect your equipment (machines).
Elcowa has developed a complete range of ionizing blowers to meet all your requirements in stainless steel or painted steel versions.
The combination of an antistatic electrode and a laminar flow blowing ramp creates a curtain of ionised air. This curtain of ionised air, thanks to its power and high ionic concentration, allows the neutralisation of electrostatic charges and the expulsion of parasitic particles.
Examples of applications:
The dust collectors combine:
Ionizing elements:neutralization of electrostatic charges
A mechanical force:separation of particles from the support (squeegees, brushes, blowing nozzles)
Suction through a filtered suction system:: removal of particles
Ionizing nozzles, ionizing air nozzles or ionizing blower heads neutralize electrostatic charges and remove harmful particles that arise during the production process. They are often used on small workpieces, printing and gluing areas, cramped areas, etc.
Your industrial process may generate electrostatic charges such as :
It is important, first of all, to check and know the charge level before finding suitable equipment.
Elcowa offers you a complete range of measuring devices allowing you to control these electrostatic fields.
Implanted at the heart of your machine, ionising equipment is subject to an alteration of its ionic efficiency due to fouling and therefore loses efficiency.
Metal parts, grounding points and profiles, insulating parts, profiles and connectors, are covered with a greasy film and a dust agglomerate altering their properties.
It is imperative to carry out periodic maintenance of the equipment to ensure that its optimum performance is maintained.
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